Other stuff
This section contains things that are happening at the club or that the club is involved in or useful information such as links others clubs, exhibitions etc.
Talks and events
Members and prospected members only
Talks and events at the club or where we are in attendance appear in this section.
Annual General Meeting 08/05/25
This is open to all members but only those who have paid their membership subscriptions will be able vote on motions or elections of officers and committee members.
It will include a summary of club activities and finances.
Committee meeting
The next committee meeting is on 01/03/25. If you have any questions or issues to be raised please submit them to the club secretary at least a few days before the meeting. (committee members only unless invited).
Working nights
Members and prospected members only
​​​(new) 00 Test Track and / or rolling road available by arrangement.
Jon’s new layout at Club … due most Thursdays
Beaminster Board(s) at Club … dates to be arranged.
Westerham setup and available most nights
Links and things
This section will display links to useful resources e.g model shops, preserved railways etc and local model railway exhibitions
TMRC Model Railway Exhibition 15 February 2025 at the Angel Centre in Tonbridge (details)